
  1. Scan this QR code or visit texasrealestate.www.members/education/instructors/instruct-candidates/阅读课程要求
  2. Submit the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Instructor Application and a $75 fee
  3. 协会工作人员审核您的申请,并根据您的证书作出批准您教授课程的决定.

雪莉·巴雷特(Sherri Barrett)成为德克萨斯2021十大正规彩票app经纪人(德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®)讲师,以增加经纪业务的价值. The broker/owner of Huntsville-based Emblem Properties was already teaching agents; why not offer them CE credits for their participation? Now she’s approved to teach courses for the association.

The experiencegave a new perspective to Barrett, 谁是德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®2024专业发展委员会的主席. “我今年的目标之一是让会员更容易找到如何成为一名教练,她说。. “We want to make it so you know where to go on 85500171.com and learn what’s required to teach the various courses.”

您当地和州的REALTOR®协会一直在寻找优秀的教师. If you’re waiting for a sign to get involved, here it is.

There are many reasons to apply to teach real estate courses. 也许你想回馈你的行业,或者渴望与他人分享你的知识和技能. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的教学也可以为您和您的经纪人在您的社区和其他地方提供更多的曝光率, 巴雷特说.

The drive to serve motivates many members to become teachers, 格雷戈里·朗说, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®教育和住房倡议项目经理. “会员们都希望看到他们的同行获得适当的教育. 对于一些, being an instructor may be their career, 但对其他人来说, 他们除了从事经纪或销售活动外,还喜欢教书.”

How Do I Get Started?

你需要回答的第一个问题是:我想教什么? 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在其网站上列出了热门课程的讲师要求.

To teach classes for the GRI, Broker Responsibility, 法律 Update I and II, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®发射, Texas Risk Reduction Specialist, and Texas Accredited 商业 Specialist, 你的申请必须至少显示下列其中一项资格:

  • 专科以上学历,三年以上教学或培训经验
  • 5年作为持有执照者(或作为经纪人教授2021十大正规彩票app经纪)的实际经验, Broker Responsibility, 和TRRS课程)和三年的教学或培训经验
  • 在考虑了你的个人经历之后,相当于前面的要点之一, 研究, 作者, or other significant endeavors in real estate.


If you don’t meet those requirements, don’t worry! 你可以根据你的个人经验替换同等的证书. 事实上,你可能已经有资格教CE选修课了.

You can submit your application with the $75 application fee. 如果您报名教授已有的课程或允许其他人教授您开发的课程,德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®将免除费用, 朗说.

I have a great idea for a course. 我能教吗??

是的. 没有任何规定阻止你教授课程或收取费用. 但是如果你想提供CE学分,你必须让你的新课程获得TREC的批准. A new course application form is available at 85500171.com/newcourseapp. 联系 education@texasrealtors.com with any questions.

Show Your Expertise

If you want to teach certain courses, such as requirements for designations, you will have additional requirements. 例如, you must earn the Graduate, 在能够教授GRI课程之前获得REALTOR®Institute的认证. You will need to audit GRI courses, complete Instructor Training Institute courses, present a mock presentation, 并参加专业发展委员会的面试.

What Happens After I Submit My Application?

Association staff reviews all applications for eligibility. 朗说:“我们会看看应聘者是否有可以马上教的课程。. “If they qualify, they can get approved now.”

Some advanced courses may require additional steps. “我们不愿意把任何人都放在经纪人面前,因为如果我们想提高标准, we need to ensure we’re giving them the best instruction,巴雷特说.

Take the classes to learn how to become a better teacher

讲师培训学院课程向您展示如何与您的班级联系, engage students with different learning styles, and add materials to enhance your presentation. The Instructor Training Institute class doesn’t just help you improve as a teacher; it is a
requirement to teach some courses. 欲知详情,请浏览 85500171.com/members/education/instructors.

Can I get paid to teach?

而一些讲师是当地或州REALTOR®协会的雇员, many instructors are independent contractors. 他们可以通过受雇于当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会或自己举办课程并收取费用来获得报酬. Some instructors teach enough classes to make it a career; most instructors gain supplemental income from teaching courses.